Demonology in Umineko no Naku Koro ni

Demonology plays a major role in the visual style of Umineko no Naku Koro ni.Demonic iconography is frequent used throughout the franchise and several characters are meant to be incarnations of various demons themselves.


Seventh pentacle of the Sun

The seventh pentacle of the sun appears in Legend of the Golden Witch on the door to the storehouse in which Krauss Ushiromiya, Rudolf Ushiromiya, Kyrie Ushiromiya, Shannon, Toshiro Gohda, and Rosa Ushiromiya are found dead.

First pentacle of the Moon

The first pentacle of the moon appears in Legend of the Golden Witch on the door to Eva and Hideyoshi Ushiromiya's room. The Hebrew inscribed upon it is from the Old Testament, Psalm 107, verse 16. The pentacle is said to have two effects: opening any door regardless of the method used to lock it and granting the powers of observation, discernment, inspiration, and intuition.