Banquet of the Golden Witch/TIPS

Character TIPS


Epitaph on the Portrait

Behold the sweetfish river running through my beloved hometown.
You who seek the Golden Land, follow its path downstream in search of the key.

As you travel down it, you will see a village.
In that village, look for the shore the two will tell you of.
There sleeps the key to the Golden Land.

The one who obtains the key must then travel to the Golden Land in accordance with these rules.

On the first twilight, offer the six chosen by the key as sacrifices.
On the second twilight, those who remain shall tear apart the two who are close.
On the third twilight, those who remain shall praise my noble name.
On the fourth twilight, gouge the head and kill.
On the fifth twilight, gouge the chest and kill.
On the sixth twilight, gouge the stomach and kill.
On the seventh twilight, gouge the knee and kill.
On the eighth twilight, gouge the leg and kill.
On the ninth twilight, the witch shall revive, and none shall be left alive.
On the tenth twilight, the journey shall end, and you shall reach the capital where the gold dwells.

The witch shall praise the wise and bestow four treasures.
One shall be all the gold from the Golden Land.
One shall be the resurrection of all the dead souls.
One shall be the resurrection of the love that was lost.
One shall be to put the witch to sleep for all time.

Sleep peacefully, my most beloved witch, Beatrice.

The Witch's Letter

So that there will be no misunderstandings. The game I seek is for everyone to try and solve the riddle of the epitaph, not for you to try and catch me.

If you don't solve the riddle of the epitaph, the pitiful sacrifices will further increase in number. It would be more wise to spend your time solving the epitaph than searching for me. If no one can solve the riddle of the epitaph, no one will survive.

If a person appears who can miraculously solve the riddle of the epitaph, I will give them all the gold of the Golden Land, the Ushiromiya family inheritance, and all of my power. I was the one who succeeded the Ushiromiya family inheritance from Kinzo-sama. And, I look forward to seeing who will receive the inheritance from me.

——The Golden Witch, Beatrice.

The Witch's Game Record

Ushiromiya Kinzo
   Died at the first twilight.
   Chosen by the key of the Golden Land, offered up as a sacrifice.

Chiester Sisters Imperial Guard Corps

An Imperial Guard Corps formed by the Dragon King Pendragon in memory of the red dragon and composed only of sisters. They were originally subordinates of the Dragon King, but because of a long relationship with the successive generations of Beatrice's, it was permitted that two Imperial Guard soldiers be lent out.

The sisters are beings with false life, created by magic. For that reason, sisters with a great variety of personalities are still being created as their numbers continue to increase.

Manifesting into the human world requires a great cost, and even setting aside their tremendous fighting power, summoning them is difficult. For this reason, they are often summoned as guards in special ceremonies.

The Chiester's Golden Bow

One of the Cheister Sisters Imperial Guard Corps' sniping equipment. The arrow's trajectory can be controlled at will, but it takes a special talent and special training to master its true potential. Therefore, the equipment itself is a sign of a high-class sniper's prestige. It is a masterpiece anti-armor sniping bow, capable of penetrating a wide variety of armors and barriers, and with a rich type of ammunition selected as the arrow's warhead.

Furthermore, the ones primarily used throughout the play were Wire-Guided Winged Piercing Rounds. Because they are wire-guided, they are capable of highly deceptive long-distance precision sniping in complicated indoor terrain battles.

Regarding the Succession of the Witch

In the noble families of witches, family secrets are often inherited by a single child to prevent the propagation of hidden arts and the decline of quality. It is the same with the Endless Witches, where the greatest hidden art goes to a single child, so that the hidden art does not propagate even after the retirement following the inheritance.

Custom dictates that a witch from another sect must make a recommendation for the succession. Lambdadelta recommended EVA. Bernkastel recommended ANGE. It is unknown who recommended Beato.

Furthermore, during the play, Beatrice had also inherited that name, but this custom only began recently. The Predecessor was the original Beatrice, and all Endless Witches before her had different names. After that, it became customary that the name was also inherited, and EVA, following the tradition, gave ANGE the name of Beatrice.