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{{nihongo|'''Miyo Takano'''|鷹野 三四|Takano Miyo|born '''Miyoko Tanashi'''}} is aan official of the Japanese government, nurse at the [[Irie Clinic]], official of the Japanese government and leaderemployer of the [[YamainuMountain Hounds]]. She is the mastermind behind the [[curse of Oyashiro]] as well as the primary antagonist of {{higurashi}}.
== Profile ==
=== Background ===
Miyo spent part of her childhood in an orphanage where she was often abused. Eventually Miyo and a group of friends attempted to escape the orphanage and seek refuge at the [[Yurigaoka House of Love and Mercy]]. Initially, the group successfully escaped the orphanage, however they got split up during the escape. Miyo managed to almost make it to [[Hinamizawa]] while the other girls are captured by orphanage workers and are returned to the orphanage. Miyo finds a telephone box and uses it to call the only number she knows, the number for [[Hifumi Takano]]. She manages to say "help me" before being found by orphanage workers and returned to the orphanage. Shortly afterwards, Hifumi shows up at the orphanage and adopts Miyo. At this point, Miyo changes her name from Miyoko Tanashi to Miyo Takano.
Many years later, Miyo is scarred by a meeting between Hifumi and a group of elders. Hifumi presents his research on [[Hinamizawa Syndrome]] to the elders and is rebuffed. As they leave, the elders step on the scattered papers documenting Hifumi's research, an event that infuriates Miyo. After Hifumi's death later on, Miyo dedicated herself to continuing and completing his research. She works her way up the government ladder and befriends [[Koizumi]], an influential man within the Tokyo government. With Koizumi's help, Miyo joins the [[Alphabet Project]] and is sent to Hinamizawa to begin work on discovering the cause of Hinamizawa Syndrome as well as its potential as a biological weapon. She is given a [[Irie Clinic|clinic]] in Hinamizawa and has [[Kyousuke Irie]] join her on the research team. Together, Miyo and Kyousuke successfully find the pathogen causing Hinamizawa Syndrome and begin work on both a cure as well as a drug that would immediately induce the terminal symptoms of Hinamizawa Syndrome. In addition, in the event of [[Rika Furude]]'s death, Miyo sets up a contingency plan to flood Hinamizawa with a deadly gas and prevent Hinamizawa Syndrome from spreading.
Koizumi unexpectedly dies which causing a massive rift in the Tokyo government. A new faction against Koizumi's ideals and leadership took control of the Alphabet Project and completely replaced its board of directors. As a result, the Hinamizawa Syndrome project was restructured and funding was decreased. Miyo and Kyousuke were told to immediately end research on using Hinamizawa Syndrome as a biological weapon and complete all remaining research within three years. Furthermore, upon completion of the research, Hinamizawa Syndrome would be quietly taken care of as the government didn't want national or international attention on the pathogen. This devastates Miyo, who sees this as a complete destruction of everything she and Hifumi had worked for.
=== Appearance ===
Miyo appears as a young blonde woman with orange eyes. She is typically seen in a pink blouse, green jacket and blue skirt. She is also usually seen carrying a white purse.
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=== Personality ===
== Plot ==
=== Minagoroshi-hen ===
It is revealed in ''Minagoroshi-hen'' that Takano is behind the deaths of [[Jirou Tomitake]], [[Kyousuke Irie]] and [[Rika Furude]] and is ultimately responsible for the [[Great Hinamizawa Disaster]].
=== Matsuribayashi-hen ===
Much of ''Matsuribayashi-hen'' focuses on Miyo's history. The prologue follows Miyo's escape and recapture at the hands of the orphanage and her subsequent adoption by [[Hifumi Takano]]. Part of the "Connecting pieces" section follows Miyo's quest to finalize her research into [[Hinamizawa Syndrome]].
== Trivia ==