Legend of the Golden Witch: Difference between revisions

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The next morning, Gohda, Rosa, and Shannon are nowhere to be found. After some searching, Kanon, Genji, Eva, and Hideyoshi discover a [[Demonology in Umineko no Naku Koro ni#Seventh pentacle of the sun|strange symbol]] written in blood on the door of the storehouse. After opening the door, they find the corpses of Krauss, Rudolf, Kyrie, Shannon, Gohda, and Rosa. Rudolf, Kyrie, Rosa, and Gohda have had their faces destroyed and are recognizable only due to their clothing. Krauss and Shannon, on the other hand, have only half their faces destroyed and are still somewhat recognizable by what remains. Furthermore, Kinzo is missing from his room.
In order to avoid further tragedy, the survivors hole up in the parlor while attempting to figure out who could have killed the six people in the storehouse. Two theories are prevalent among the survivors; either one or more of the survivors themselves committed the murders or a [[the nineteenth person|nineteenth person]] exists on the island, separate from the survivors, and committed the murders. While Natsuhi believes this nineteenth person is a human, Maria as well as the servants believe that the nineteenth person is in fact the witch Beatrice. Eva reveals that she placed a receipt in Kinzo's door shortly after Natsuhi most recently checked on him. Since the receipt is still in place, Eva implies that Natsuhi was involved in Kinzo's disappearance. This accusation causes another heated argument between the survivors, leading Eva and Hideyoshi to leave the group and isolate themselves in their room.
Later that night, Natsuhi asks Genji and Kanon to retrieve Eva and Hideyoshi for dinner. When they approach Eva and Hideyoshi's door, however, they find another envelope tucked underneath it. Worried, Genji and Kanon return to the kitchen to pair up: Genji pairs with Nanjo and goes to the parlor while Kanon pairs with Kumasawa and fetches a wire cutter to remove the chain locking Eva and Hideyoshi's room. When Kanon and Kumasawa return to the door, they see a [[Demonology in Umineko no Naku Koro ni#First pentacle of the Moon|demonic symbol]] painted on the door, one which wasn't present only minutes prior. Kanon breaks the chain as Genji and Nanjo return with everyone else. The crowd floods into the room and sees Eva lying on the bed with a stake sticking out of her forehead. Hideyoshi is found in the shower with a similar stake in his own forehead.
While everyone panickedly tries to figure out how they could have died given their locations relative to the door, a foul stench overwhelms the room. Kanon and Kumasawa leave to find to source of the smell and hear a loud door slam in the boiler room. Kanon runs ahead and encounters a swarm of butterflies, which Kanon believes to be an incarnation of Beatrice. Angered by the deaths, Kanon swings a nearby hatchet at the swarm. Shortly afterward, Kumasawa and the rest enter the boiler room and find Kanon bleeding out on the ground with a stake in his chest. A nearby door leading to the courtyard is ajar. Battler runs through it, hoping to find the killer, however he is unable to find any trace of them. Meanwhile, the group finds the source of the foul smell: Kinzo's burnt body which lie in the incinerator. Despite the severe burns, Kinzo's identity is confirmed due to the sixth toe present on his foot.
After Nanjo confirms Kanon's death, the survivors decide to hide out in Kinzo's study as it is the most secure area in the mansion. The only keys that can open the study are those held by Genji as well as those held by Kinzo himself, which Genji retrieves from Kinzo's burnt body. Furthermore, Maria believes the room is safe due to a [[Demonology in Umineko no Naku Koro ni#Fifth pentacle of Mars|pair of scorpions that are inscribed upon the door knobs to the study]]. These scorpions are the same ones on the charms Maria previously gave Jessica and Battler with the intent of warding off evil.
While inside the study, the group begins to focus on the witch's epitaph, which is inscribed under another, smaller, portrait of Beatrice. When they turn away from the epitaph, they notice another letter placed next to the canned food. Natsuhi points out that, when she went to set down food earlier, Battler, George, and Jessica were already looking at the epitaph and as such were innocent. She then accuses Nanjo, Genji, Kumasawa, and Maria of either working with the culprit or being the culprit themselves. Despite their protests, Natsuhi convinces them to leave the study in order to ensure she can protect Battler, George, and Jessica. Genji hands over both his keys and Kinzo's keys to Natsuhi, ensuring no one can enter the study. Those ejected from the study hole up in the parlor. Shortly thereafter, the phone in Kinzo's study rings. Natsuhi answers and can only hear a very faint sound of a young girl singing. Seeing as the phones are only capable of making internal calls during the storm, Natsuhi figures the call must be coming from the parlor.
Natsuhi, Battler, George, and Jessica slowly make their way to the parlor and discover it is locked. After unlocking the door with Genji's keys, they find Nanjo, Genji, and Kumasawa all pierced with stakes. The rest of the room is covered in blood except for a corner wherein Maria stands, facing the wall, singing. Battler, George, and Jessica attempt to get the truth of what happened from Maria, however they refuse to believe Maria's explanation of it being the work of Beatrice. They then notice that Natsuhi is missing and she has barricaded the door to the parlor from the outside. While they attempt to break open the door, Natsuhi stands before the large portrait of Beatrice, having read a fourth letter inviting her to duel Beatrice once and for all. Battler, George, Jessica, and Maria successfully break down the parlor door and soon after find Natsuhi's body in front of Beatrice's portrait. As far as they can surmise, Natsuhi appears to have shot herself with the gun in her hand. While Battler, George, and Jessica weep over their situation., Beatrice appears before her portrait. Battler takes Natsuhi's rifle and points it at Beatrice. Beatrice and Maria laugh as the clock strikes midnight.
== Characters ==