Jessica Ushiromiya: Difference between revisions

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| eye = Blue
| occupation = Student President
| firstAppearance = [[Legend of the Golden Witch]]{{legend}}
| seiyu = [[Wikipedia:Marina Inoue|Marina Inoue]]
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=== Personality ===
Jessica has a very hot-headed personality. She has no interest in money or in the headship of the family and tends to act impulsively. When it comes to talking about love, Jessica often gets flustered and can barely hide her feelings. Jessica is especially strong in her feelings towards Kanon and does everything she can to make him open up to her. When Jessica gets determined, there is nothing she cannot do.
== Plot ==
=== Legend of the Golden Witch ===
Jessica becomes one of the last survivors and dies on the tenth twilight.
=== Turn of the Golden Witch ===
At [[Shannon|Shannon's]] suggestion, Jessica has Kanon pose as her boyfriend for the school's culture festival.
After the first twilight, Jessica accuses the 19th guest Beatrice of being the culprit. After heading to the VIP room and finding nothing, she heads back to her own room with Kanon. There, Beatrice attacks both of them and aims to make them sacrifices for the second twilight.
Jessica soon bears witness to Kanon summoning a magic sword and fighting Goats and the Stakes. Jessica protects Kanon when Asmodeus tries to stab him and dies soon after.
=== Banquet of the Golden Witch ===
During a scuffle with Eva, Jessica is blinded when Eva's gun fires off. While resting in the servant's room, EVA-Beatrice murders Nanjo outside and plans to do the same to Jessica. Beatrice soon appears, summoning Kanon's ghost to guide Jessica to the parlor and hide in the curtains.
== Trivia ==