Witch's epitaph: Difference between revisions

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|''Behold the sweetfish river running through my beloved hometown.''
|Refers to Kinzo's hometown of Taishou[[w:Taipei|Taihoku, Taiwan]]. During the occupation of Taiwan, the Japanese lived in TaipeiTaihoku. The"Sweetfish river" refers to the [[w:Tamsui line|Danshui Line is]], a railroad that goeswent from TaipeiTaihoku to the Danshui Harbor. Danshui is Japanese for "freshwater." Sweetfish only live in freshwater.
|''You who seek the Golden Land, follow its path downstream in search of the key''
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|''As you travel down it, you will see a village''
|Refers to a station on the Danshui Line, [[w:Shipai metro station|Sekihai Station]]. Sekihai Station was once called {{nihongo|Kirigan Station|唭里岸}}, which has the Japanese character for "village" as part of its name.
|''In that village, look for the shore the two will tell you of''
|Refers to the aforementioned Kirigan Station. Kirigan Station has the character for "shore" in its name. The "two" refer to the namesake of Kirigan Station, also called {{nihongo|Kirigan|唭哩岸}}, whichthough written differently. This Kirigan has two characters for "mouth" in it.
|''There sleeps the key to the Golden Land''